Friday, 29 July 2011

"Shenzy & me"

Today, I lost my best friend. She's been with me since grade school. I would remember holding her tight when things were rough for me. She would always make me feel special in such a way no one else can; her love and care for me was incomparable. She always made me feel irreplaceable like she'd die if ever she didn't get the chance to be with me. Whenever I see her, she would act crazy as if it has been years since we last saw each other. She'd scream and her scream was intense! And her eyes, I remember her eyes... they were always full of passion and adoration. Whenever I come home late, she'd trash the place as if I have abandoned her forever. But every time I came home as she expected, she would invite me to go up the stairs towards my room, like she wanted to talk about how much she missed me during the day. At night, we would sleep together like sisters sharing the same bed and blanket; sometimes she would even occupy more than half of the bed space like she wanted to cuddle because she's cold.  I remember spending days with her, shopping in Eastwood after my class, with her dressed in gown and all. I'd buy her stuff to make her look glamorous in spite of her age. She'd walk with me wherever I go, unleashed.

But, things changed when she got older. She lost her sight. She's always groggy. But despite that, her excitement and enthusiasm whenever she sense my presence, still remains the same. She would cry happy tears.

But, now she's gone. She died of old age but she lived a good life and she's now my angel. I will miss her forever and no one can replace her in my heart.

RIP Shenzy [1995-2011]

Monday, 11 July 2011

It's my birthday!

365 is the number of days that we have each year.

In that 365 days, we only have 1 day -

to reflect,
to center everything to ourselves,
to celebrate life,
to be more giving and forgiving,
to spread kindness,
to greet people more with a smile,
to say 'thank you' to almost everyone that you meet and see,
to feel special and be extraordinary,
to reply to all the overwhelming greetings that you have received via facebook, twitter and whatnot,
to celebrate everything that you have become and everything that you have overcome during the past years,
to laugh about life and to thank the Lord for all His blessings.

Today, is that 'one' day for me and I am thankful for everything that HE has blessed me with. Cheers to life and to love!<3

Thank you for all your birthday greetings and happy birthday to those who are celebrating their birthday as well!

Friday, 8 July 2011

As a wedding singer...

"That kind of feeling when you're singing while the bride's walking down the isle is beyond extraordinary. It's like a part of you is becoming immortal. You're singing the words out for someone who's willing to give it all at that moment with pure love that's coming from her heart and with God as her witness. Classic!"    

~Ayla de Joya 04/10/11

My problem - a spec in the universe.

There are things in this life that I am born to deal with, most of which, I didn't choose. But, as hard as it may seem, this is the burden I am destined to carry. It has been my destiny since the moment I was born. However, I know that life must and should go on. Looking at the bigger picture, it is just a part of me; just a portion of my life; just a spec in the universe. Things can change and I hope it will. 

Ergo, my realization is ~

This is me.
This is my life.
This is the way I am.
No one has the right to blame my existence for their misery.
It is their own burden to carry.
We are all just victims of fate.


A piece of advice ~

Change your perspective. Don't center your attention to things that doesn't make you happy. Accept things as it is. Look at the brighter side. Think of it as a blessing. If not, a chance to get better and be better. Don't let it affect your life or how you live life. Charge it to experience and move on. Don't let it affect you because most of the time, it's out of your control. Go with the flow of the universe. Ride with it. Explore and live life. Spread love and be LOVE. Always remember that love is just love. It is not perfect. LOVE IS UNCONDITIONAL FORGIVENESS. Hate just make things complicated. Hate brings chaos. LOVE IS ACCEPTANCE, ACCEPTANCE BRINGS UNITY AND UNITY BRINGS JOY. But most of all, remember that EVERYTHING STARTS FROM WITHIN.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

When you're in love... you're just in love.

So, I ransacked my old multiply site and found this. It was suppose to be a lyrics to a song that I was trying to write.

Catch me

I see you stare at me
then suddenly I can't breathe
your mind, your heart I can see
speaking of your love for me

I cannot hide how I feel
coz my love for you is real
deep in my heart you'll see
when closer our eyes meet

You make my heart feel free
soaring high can't you see?
Alone at last are we
Catch me now, catch me we're free...

So now, I blog.

I have been meaning to blog for ages but I haven't thought of anything to write yet. But now, it struck me. I have to write. I have to write about life, my life and what not --according to my perspective. I'm still learning. I am an observant of this world. And so, there I go. All smiles*